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Exploring Ethereum Token Transfers with TLA+ for Wallet Security

TLDR: Formal methods facilitate thinking in a rigorous way about the problem and help catch errors even if we don’t use them to verify the implementation.

At SealVault, we’re trying to build solutions where we can make security guarantees to users. This gives users peace of mind and improves UX since it lets us automate things and get rid of confusing warnings.

Connecting an Ethereum address to multiple dapps is common practice in wallet applications, but it’s very difficult to make security guarantees in this setting. Wallets typically make no guarantees and rely on the user’s judgement to secure her assets.

The first step towards building a better solution is to understand what can go wrong. The most common thing that goes wrong when the same Ethereum address is connected to multiple dapps is that a malicious or compromised dapp transfers the user’s tokens without her consent. The user is a victim of fraud, but the transaction that transfers the tokens is valid per the Ethereum protocol. So in order to prevent fraud, we have to understand how valid transactions can occur.

There is only one way a native token can be transferred from an EOA ignoring gas fees (namely the user signs a transaction authorizing the transfer). There are many different ways custom tokens can be transferred though with a combination of spender approvals and meta transactions. I initially collected 13 different ways a custom token can be transferred and visualized it using diagrams. Diagrams explain well how a given a solution works, but it’s difficult to know if they give a complete picture of the system. This is why I turned to TLA+.

TLA+ is a minimal language to specify system designs with mathematical formulas. A TLA+ specification is a declarative statement of what can happen in a system using logic and set operators. TLA+ also comes with a model checker called TLC that generates system behaviors based on the specification and checks that the possible behaviors satisfy certain formulas. While TLA+ is a general purpose specification language, it is most commonly used to specify distributed systems. In fact, it was when I realized that securing Ethereum token transfers in a wallet application is a distributed systems problem that I turned to TLA+.

The parties to a custom token transfer from a dapp are the following:

  • the wallet application,
  • the dapp application,
  • Ethereum nodes,
  • relayer nodes that submit messages signed by the user to smart contracts to save gas fees for the user.

As wallet implementors, we can assume that the Ethereum protocol functions correctly, but we can’t make any assumptions about the behavior of dapps and relayers. We also cannot make assumptions about message delivery or assume that if a transaction was submitted, it’ll be carried out.

Our TLA+ spec abstracts away

  • different custom token types (ERC-20, ERC-721, ERC-1155),
  • where transactions originate from,
  • how transactions are delivered to nodes.

The spec is only concerned with transaction types, who the signer is and whether a transaction occurred after a valid transaction was submitted. Whether a transaction occurred is modeled with events.

There are five basic types of transactions that can lead to custom token transfers:

  1. Standard transfer method calls,
  2. Standard approve method calls,
  3. ERC-2612 Permit transactions,
  4. Permit2 transactions,
  5. and most importantly a transaction that calls an unknown method of an unknown contract.

An unknown transaction call can lead to a token transfer if a contract was approved as spender for the token. Each transaction type also has a corresponding meta transaction when the transaction is submitted by a relayer, so that makes ten types of transactions in total. Signers can be the token owner, an approved spender EOA or any address. Any address can be the signer to transfer a token if a contract address was approved as spender for the token.

The valid actions in the system are specified as either submitting a transaction or emitting a token approval or a token transfer event:

Next ==
    \* Transactions
    \/ \E s \in Signer:
        \/ Transfer(s)
        \/ Approve(s)
        \/ Permit(s)
        \/ Permit2(s)
        \/ UnknownTransaction(s)
        \/ MetaTransfer(s)
        \/ MetaApprove(s)
        \/ MetaPermit(s)
        \/ MetaPermit2(s)
        \/ MetaUnknownTransaction(s)
    \* Events
    \/ TokenApproval
    \/ TokenTransfer

A token approval event can be emitted only if the owner signed an approval or permit transaction (or the corresponding meta-transaction):

TokenApproval ==
   /\ ~ "TokenApproval" \in events
   /\ ApprovedToken
   /\ events' = events \union {"TokenApproval"}
   /\ UNCHANGED transactions

ApprovedToken ==
    \/ TransactionExists("approve", "owner")
    \/ TransactionExists("meta-approve", "owner")
    \/ TransactionExists("permit", "owner")
    \/ TransactionExists("meta-permit", "owner")

A token transfer event can be emitted only if the owner or an approved spender transferred the token:

TokenTransfer ==
    /\ ~ TokenWasTransferred
        \/ OwnerTransferToken
        \/ SpendWithApproval
    /\ UNCHANGED transactions

The owner can transfer the token either with a normal or a meta transaction:

OwnerTransferToken ==
        \/ TransactionExists("transfer", "owner")
        \/ TransactionExists("meta-transfer", "owner")
    /\ events' = events \union {"TokenTransferOwner"}

An approved spender can transfer the token in a variety of ways. If the spender is an EOA, then the spender must have signed a normal or a meta transfer. But if the spender is a contract, then any contract method call can lead to a transfer and there is no guarantee, that the originator of the transaction is the owner:

SpendWithApproval ==
    /\ "TokenApproval" \in events
    /\ SpendToken
    /\ events' = events \union {"TokenTransferSpender"}

SpendToken ==
    \/ TransactionExists("transfer", "spender")
    \/ TransactionExists("meta-transfer", "spender")
    \/ TransactionExists("unknown-transaction", "owner")
    \/ TransactionExists("unknown-transaction", "any")
    \/ TransactionExists("meta-unknown-transaction", "owner")
    \/ TransactionExists("meta-unknown-transaction", "any")
    \/ TransactionExists("permit2", "owner")
    \/ TransactionExists("permit2", "any")
    \/ TransactionExists("meta-permit2", "owner")
    \/ TransactionExists("meta-permit2", "any")

Looking at the structure of the specification, it's obvious that my initial diagrams that documented 13 ways a custom token can be transferred severely underestimated the complexity of the problem. There are 2 ways the owner can transfer the tokens, there are 4 ways a spender can be approved and there are 10 ways spenders can transfer tokens, so that means there are 2+4∗10=42 ways a custom token can be transferred from an EOA.

The entire specification with invariants and temporal properties that codify our assumptions is available on GitHub.

So what did we achieve by specifying Ethereum token transfers from a wallet perspective with TLA+?

  1. We have discovered that I have initially severely underestimated the complexity of the problem.
  2. It facilitated a more rigorous way of thinking about the problem and deepened our understanding of the problem space.
  3. We have made our assumptions explicit, and stated them precisely.
  4. We now have a formal specification of Ethereum token transfers against which we can test later assumptions or solutions that arise through the development process.